ARREST-TB in Moscow

Project's achievements highlighted to international panel

A high level meeting, "Joint efforts against infectious diseases: HIV, TB, HCV", was co-organised by the European Commission, the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Russian Ministry of Health, along with two key EU funded Horizon 2020 projects, ARREST-TB and CARE, involved in joint research with Russia on infectious diseases – HIV, TB and HCV.

Dr Seshasailam Venkateswaran, the Project Coordinator, represented ARREST-TB in a panel that included, Grigory V. Trubnikov (First Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russia Federation), Markus Ederer (Ambassador of the EU at the Russian Federation), and Senior Representatives from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

He presented the project’s achievements to-date with ‘ARREST-TB on track to deliver affordable, reliable and ‘in-field’ TB diagnostics.


The Central Tuberculosis Research Institute, our Russian partner has been in the fore-front of the Russian efforts towards TB control, bring their rich experience to ARREST-TB and play a vital role in driving the technology development - by defining the practical needs of day-to-day practitioners of TB diagnostics. The meeting offered a great opportunity to explore further collaborations with CTRI and other ARREST-TB partners as well as initiate activities for cooperation and cross-pollination between ARREST-TB and CARE projects. Exciting times ahead!