Summary of the software used by the group List of software Application Description CellVol MrPIXEL MrPIXEL is a program that enables the energetics of crystal packing to be analysed quickly. Coulomb - London - Pauli CLP-PIXEL A Computer Program Package for Modelling Intermolecular Interactions. MrMOX_2020 MRMOX For Python 3.7 - Updated version for use with the new CSD 2020 release. MrMOX_2019 This version relates to the Python 2.7 CSD version that is no longer used. XNPP A program to calculate the Flack parameter given cif and fcf files. ROTAX The program ROTAX derives non-merohedral twin laws. HATTIE Program for leverage analysis of crystallographic data. Other software Further scripts and software are available on GitHub: This article was published on 2024-06-17