Edinburgh is at the forefront of Chemistry in both the UK and indeed the world. We need your support to allow us to remain a world leader in both research and teaching. If you are a graduate, a former member of staff or just a supporter of the School of Chemistry you can support us by investing in our future. This will ensure that we will continue to compete at a very high level, and also ensure we will still be regarded as the one of the leading chemistry institutions for prospective graduates, future staff and research collaborators. Your contributions will support us in our three key areas: Chemistry for Future Health Care Chemistry underpins the very development of new healthcare approaches. Here, for example, Chemistry plays a key role in contributing to the understanding of new therapeutic approaches, new pharmaceutical applications, the development of smart medical devices, understanding biological pathways and predicting patient condition. Help us to continue our long term aim of the continued improvement of health care through supporting our outstanding research and teaching. Your contribution is necessary to ensure we will always be at the forefront of supporting new healthcare opportunities. For example: Developing new synthetic routes Developing new molecules Understanding reaction pathways Use and development of advanced detection and analysis techniques Developing new materials Polymorph screening for new crystalline structures High throughput screening Chemistry for a Sustainable Environment Achieving a sustainable environment is a major scientific challenge in which Chemistry plays a fundamental role. A key research theme for the School is in creating a greener future through green chemistry: utilising carbon dioxide, creating smart materials, increased efficiencies, waste reduction and simulation and modelling. We need your continued support to enable us to ensure that our activities continue to make a significant contribution to a sustainable future for the coming generations. Some of our work ongoing in this area includes: Improving efficiency - solar cells, waste stream recovery, heat exchange Catalysts for fuel cells, remediation and leaner processes Chemistry at extreme conditions Smart materials - molecular machines, carbon nanotubes, magnetic coolants Modelling Measurement and sensors Pollution monitoring Carbon dioxide utilisation Chemistry: Our Future As you are aware, Chemistry at Edinburgh has an outstanding reputation for the quality of its graduates. Help us maintain Edinburgh's excellence through ensuring that future chemists have the same high quality teaching and training experience as you did. There is an opportunity to support our future chemists by investing in: Equipment for Undergraduate Teaching Labs Continued personal development Training facilities Analysis equipment Undergraduate bursaries PhD Studentships If you are interested in supporting our objectives through a contribution, either individual or corporate, please contact us. This article was published on 2023-10-12