Research Themes

Our research is broken up into a number of general themes, which you can read about below.

Gold Chemical

Understanding how to prepare chemical bonds as effectively and efficiently as possible.

A globe showing the main areas of sustainable chemistry research

Tackling the need for secure energy supplies and limiting society's reliance on non-sustainable feedstocks.

Microscope image of a new material

Research that designs and characterises functional solids for applications ranging from energy solutions to industrial catalysis.

The 3 areas of research in chemical medicine

Using chemical techniques that are applied to study biological systems.

A researcher using an NMR machine

Developing techniques to solve structural chemistry problems and understanding how atoms and molecules interact.

Lecture Theatre

Research into the development, evaluation, and improvement of all types of teaching activities related to chemistry.


Our research can also be classified in accordance with the University of Edinburgh/College of Science and Engineering:

  1. AI and Datascience includes signature data and computing intensive research activities in all our Schools/EPCC, brought together within the data driven innovation programme, and driven by key innovation initiatives within the Bayes Centre.

    School Contact: Antonia Mey

  2. Health and Life includes research and innovation activities at the interface of research and innovation activities with the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, with research activities across advanced health and care, therapeutics, and transformative life sciences research and technologies, from fundamental to applied.

    School Contact: Lincong Meng

  3. Climate and Environmental Sustainability encompasses all parts of the sustainability spectrum, from transformative energy and resource efficient systems, new technologies, data-informed interventions, circular economies, planetary sustainability, social and environmental justice and geo-humanities.

    School Contact: Valentina Erastova