Externally Funded Independent Fellowships

These fellowships typically target early career researchers with previous postdoctoral research experience wishing to transition to an independent research program.

The duration of financial support from funding bodies varies between 4 to 8 years. Candidates are required to secure support from the School before submission of an application. A non-exhaustive list of fellowship schemes is given below:

Application Process for Externally Funded Independent Fellowships

There are specific deadlines for the most popular fellowship schemes shown below. Applications for any other schemes should be submitted well in advance (at least 2 months) of their respective deadlines.

Current Deadlines

UKRI Future Leader Fellowship - The School is not considering external applicants for Round 10. Information for internal applicants can be found on the Chemistry Hub. General UoE information about this scheme is available on the University of Edinburgh FLF page.

Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2025 deadline: TBD)

Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (2025 deadline: TBD)


Candidates wishing to secure sponsorship from the School of Chemistry for applying for an externally funded fellowship should submit a CV and a two-page outline application to the Director of Research in the first instance. Candidates are encouraged to discuss their research ideas with a current member of academic staff in the School prior to submission of the outline application. The two-page outline application should include the following information:

  • A scientific summary of the proposed research activities
  • The proposed fellowship schemes the proposal would be submitted to, alongside a brief justification of eligibility
  • An explanation of how the research proposal aligns with the strategic objectives of the sponsoring bodies and those of the School of Chemistry
  • The equipment you would request with your application and whether such equipment would be provided by the sponsoring body
  • Laboratory space and facilities access requirements for the proposed research
  • Whether staff would be requested as part of the application
  • At the candidate discretion, contact details for two referees that may be approached in confidence during the application process to request supporting statements

What Happens After Submission of an Outline Application For an Independent Research Fellowship?

Receipt of completed applications will be acknowledged by the Director of Research. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of academics from the School of Chemistry within approximately four weeks from submission.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview by conference call or in person depending on the circumstances and applicant preferences. Following interview feedback will be provided to both successful and unsuccessful candidates. Feedback may not be provided to applicants that have not been shortlisted for an interview.

Successful candidates will be assigned a mentor from the current academic staff. The mentor will help the successful candidate prepare an application for the targeted fellowship scheme(s) and will liaise with the School’s Finance and Research Administrator to facilitate financial costings.

Offers of sponsorship for an independent fellowship will be valid for a duration of 12 months from the date of confirmation.

All applications will be treated in confidence and only reviewed by a panel of University of Edinburgh staff strictly necessary to decide whether to progress a proposal to an interview.