Physical Measurements

We have a variety of instruments available within EaStCHEM

  • SQUID magnetometer (1.8-800 K, 0-7 Tesla Physical Properties Measurement Systems (QD MPMS-XL) with electro-transport, DC and AC susceptibility measurements, vibrating sample magnetometer, heat capacity, He3 low-temperature options and other low-temperature transport measurement equipment. The laboratory also has
  • PPMS Magnetic Property Measurement System (QD PPMS-7) based on 9 Tesla cryomagnet and a Closed Cycle Refrigerator system, T=0.35-400K capable of variety of measurements, e.g. electrical resistivity, heat capacity, ac susceptibility, Hall effect.
  • custom-built high-pressure cells of piston-cylinder and opposed anvil type for both of these instruments with the pressure limit of approximately 40 GPa.

Introduction ICP-OES:

ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry) is a fast multi-element technique with a large dynamic linear range and moderate detection limits (~0.01 ppm). The instrument uses an ICP source, made by ionising argon gas, to dissociate the sample into its constituent atoms or ions, exciting them to a level where they emit light of a characteristic wavelength. Up to 60 elements can be screened per single sample run of around 3 minutes.  Samples must be in solution, typically dissolved in water, Nitric or Hydrochloric acid or base (NaOH) and free from major particulates (total dissolved solids content < 10 %).  Some suspension samples are possible providing they are finely divided and stable for >5 mins in suspension.

  • Equipment: Perkin Elmer 8300 DV ICP-OES
  • Operation: Open Access for Edinburgh University Staff/Post graduates after suitable training (2-3 training sessions typically) or full analysis service.  Internet based booking system.

Introduction ICP-MS:

ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) is a multi-element technique for trace analysis where low detection limits (0.001-10.0 ppb) are required and for high-precision isotope ratio studies. The plasma source is an excellent ion source and most elements from 0-240 amu are ionised into singly charged positive ions (M+). Sample preparation is more crucial than in ICP-OES with samples ideally dissolved in 2% HNO3 v/v as the Nitric acid aids the ionisation, and a total dissolved solids content < 0.1 %.  Samples typically take 3- 5 minutes to analyse and we also have the ability to use the ICP to scan the entire mass range 7-240 amu in a semi-quant mode o screen for possible metals present.

  • Equipment: Agilent 7500ce ICP-MS; Agilent 1200 HPLC available for speciated ICPMS
  • Operation: Full analysis service, individual access possible for experienced users only.

For more information contact Dr Lorna Eades

  1. Confocal, Spectral Imaging and Photophysics Laboratories: Diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers coupled with ultrafast mode-locked Ti:Sapphire lasers for femtosecond and picosecond applications. Tuning across the ultraviolet to near infrared range by second and third harmonic generation and Optical Parametric Oscillator units. Several upright and inverted microscopes:
    • Confocal imaging.
    • Multi-photon imaging.
    • Fast confocal imaging and simultaneous rheology.
    • Single molecule imaging.
    • Fluoresence lifetime spectroscopy and microscopies (FLIM).
    • Fluoresence resonance energy transfer imaging (FRET).
    • Time-resolved spectroscopy.
  2. Instrument Development Laboratories: Several open-plan microscopes providing convenient optical access specifically for short-lead time testing of ideas and pre-commercial systems:
    • novel laser tweezer systems.
    • fluorescence correlation microscopy.
    • optical spectroscopy under extreme conditions.
    • optical microscopy under shear.
  3. Tweezers: Several different optical tweezers systems including.
    • user-friendly 'turn-key' system on a commercial microscope.
    • research and development systems on open-bench microscopes.
  4. Modelling and Visualisation Facility (MVF): A dedicated computational infrastructure for COSMIC (dual-processor graphics workstations (Dell) and a 16-node parallel supercomputer) to study complex molecular systems at an atomistic, nano- and meso-scale level, to support coordinated research in key technical focus areas.
  5. Based at Edinburgh: amplified 100 fs Ti:Saph laser (3mJ) with SHBC and tunable fs and ps NOPAs

Based at St Andrews

  • UHV X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
  • STM Omicron UHV Scanning Tunnelling Microscope. Four Molecular Imaging STM instruments, all of which work in ambient and electrochemical environments and are also capable of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
  • UHV Nicolet FTIR with polarisation modulation (PM) and ATR attachment. An additional Digilab PM-FTIR system with facilities for sample analysis at the liquid-solid interface/electrochemical environments
  • SFG/SHG Laser system for Sum Frequency Generation/Second Harmonic Generation
  • HREELS Two UHV High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy systems
  • UHV LEED/AES/TPD/high pressure cell + Gas chromatograph
  • Tensiometer for contact angle measurements

Based at Edinburgh

  • AFM Veeco Nanoman VS with Dimension 3100 controller

  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry - Netzsch DSC 204 Instrument: Range -150 to 400C; high sensitivity.
  • Perkin-Elmer DSC7: -110 to 440C
  • Thermogravimetric Analysis - Netzsch STA 449C with Mass Spec: TGA/DSC or TGA/DTA under oxidising or reducing atmosphere to 1600C, coupled to a Pfeiffer mass spectrometer (200amu) for evolved gas analysis.
  • TA Instruments SDT 2960: TGA/DTA under oxidising atmosphere to 1250C.
  • Rheometrics TG 1000M: TGA under oxidising or reducing atmosphere, water cooled furnace allows rapid heating/cooling, can be run under wet atmosphere.
  • Thermal Expansion - Netzsch Dilatometer DIL402C: Oxidising or reducing atmosphere to 1550C.
  • Porosimetry - Hiden IGA porosimeter: Gas and vapour adsorption, BET analysis.