The Schools Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) is the proactive committee established to monitor, implement, and promote E&D in the School of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh and in the wider Community. The EDIC gathers the information required to renew our Athena SWAN Award and meets quarterly to discuss these data. The EDIC presents all E&D data to the School Committees so that actions are implemented efficiently. The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC)The School's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) is the proactive committee established to monitor, implement, and promote EDI in the School of Chemistry, The University of Edinburgh and in the wider Community. The EDIC gathers the information required to renew our Athena SWAN Award and meets quarterly to discuss these data. The EDIC presents all EDI data to the School Committees so that actions are implemented efficiently.EDIC MembersThe EDIC is a diverse committee of staff and students, currently chaired by Dr Claire Hobday.Staff members include:Dr David BrownDr James CumbyDr Claire HobdayDr Amanda JarvisDr Anna-Maria MaciejukDr Antonia MeyDr Emily PorthProfessor Colin Pulham (Head of School)Student members include:Dominic Cairns-GibsonKiani JeacockZena YounesThe committee members cover a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. These include dual-career families and partnerships (the partner does not necessarily have a STEMM background), balancing home responsibilities and work (part-time or flexible working hours), experience in the promotions process within the School of Chemistry, experience in other academic institutions and industries in the UK and internationally, and covers all levels and responsibilities in the department (undergraduate to senior levels).Diversity in the committee is key to fair representation in the School. All new members are welcome to join. This article was published on 2023-10-12