Industry case studies

Read about our world-class research and its applications in industry.

Staff in Sunamp's factory produce heat batteries

Solving long-standing stability issues associated with phase-change materials based on salt hydrates, to enable commercialisation of the world’s first residential heat batteries.

Close-up image of a circuit board

A combined chemical and biological approach to recover rare and valuable metals from waste electronics.

Invizius logo

Research has opened up the possibility of new therapies that use complement-control protein factor H (FH) to prevent damage to human cells.

Plastic research in the lab

Chemistry-led solutions for production of more recyclable forms of plastics using renewable feedstocks.

Photo of screen showing data during reaction monitoring.

Professor Guy Lloyd-Jones discusses collaboration with TgK Scientific to develop InsightXpress for fast in situ monitoring of chemical reactions by NMR.

Still from video showing equipment

Professor Colin Pulham discusses collaboration with Sunamp to commercialise heat battery technology.