Students win prizes at Analytical Science Network Conference

Two of our PhD students, Faidra Batsaki and Zuzanna Konieczna, were awarded prizes for their work at the recent Analytical Science Network Emerging Analytical Professionals conference which was held in Leeds on 10th-12th May 2024, and was attended by early career researchers from both industry and academia.

Faidra, a PhD student in the Coxon group, received a prize for her poster "Joining diagnoses: Dual diagnostic tool for amyloid formation". The post addressed research into a new dual imaging technique which may provide more insight on oligomer formation, with extended applications on  neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and help drug design against aggregation.

Zuzanna, a final year PhD student in the Horrocks group, was awarded a prize for her presentation entitled "Using peptides to look at proteins - developing peptide-based imaging modalities" which focused on developing fluorogenic peptides for super-resolution microscopy.

Zuzanna and Faidra with their prizes

Thank you to everyone who organised and attended the Analytical Sciences Network RSC conference EAP 2024. It has been a pleasure to meet such amazing people and attend such great talks. I am honoured to have received the 1st Poster Prize, it has made this trip even more special to me!

I had a fantastic time at the ASN conference. It was a pleasure to present some of my PhD work to such an engaged audience. I’m thrilled the talk generated interest and to have received the award!